PhoneBook Plus is a multi-featured Rolodex program with many niceties for handling that long list of names and addresses. It sports the slickest interface around, extensive phone dialing features, envelope printing, report design and printing, and a robust call timer.
What you need
A Macintosh running System 6 or later.
Installation summary
Open the SOFTWARE SAMPLER folder on the CD-ROM. Open the PhoneBook Plus folder; if you like, drag the PhoneBook Plus program icon to your hard drive.
The manual
PhoneBook Plus’s manual is a brief guide in the program itself. Launch the program, then choose About PhoneBook Plus from the Apple menu. (You get a real manual when you register.)
Notes and credits
PhoneBook Plus is shareware and was written by Tim Herzog and produced by Two Bits Worth.
Two Bits Worth, 778 Hague Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 55104